Congratulations to all of this year's nominee's! Please visit the Nominations page to pick up your banner. We wish you all the best of luck!
Voting is now open for the 2014 Fandom Choice Awards. You may place your vote by visiting the Nominations page.
Please remember you can only vote once. All respondent identities are anonymous. Duplicate results will be tracked via IP by esurveyspro and discarded.
Thank you all for your participation this year!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Cheers To Another Year!
Welcome to the Fandom Choice Awards 2014!
Thank you to everyone who participated and made 2013 such a success!
We're back and excited to see who the nominees will be. There were some great new stories and banners this year and we're betting you enjoyed them just as much as we did! Have you been re-reading your old favorites? We have too!
Nominations begin on November 1. Now is your chance to recognize your favorite authors, stories, artists and all the people who make this fandom worthwhile. Start rounding up your favorites and get ready for some fun!
We've made a few changes to the categories this year and added a few new ones. Be sure to check them out. Don't forget to pay our affiliate page a visit and make some new friends!
Nominate the best Twilight Fanfiction has to offer and then watch the award results post live January 8th, 2014. It's a show not to be missed!
Stay tuned for more announcements and events!
Thank you to everyone who participated and made 2013 such a success!
We're back and excited to see who the nominees will be. There were some great new stories and banners this year and we're betting you enjoyed them just as much as we did! Have you been re-reading your old favorites? We have too!
Nominations begin on November 1. Now is your chance to recognize your favorite authors, stories, artists and all the people who make this fandom worthwhile. Start rounding up your favorites and get ready for some fun!
We've made a few changes to the categories this year and added a few new ones. Be sure to check them out. Don't forget to pay our affiliate page a visit and make some new friends!
Nominate the best Twilight Fanfiction has to offer and then watch the award results post live January 8th, 2014. It's a show not to be missed!
Stay tuned for more announcements and events!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Thank You
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners!
Thousands of you voted for your favorites and thousands of you logged on tonight to view the results. The Fandom Choice Awards is humbled by your overwhelming response.
We would like to extend a thank you to all of our wonderful affiliates and those whose talent contributed to the awards tonight to make them extra special.
An extra special thank you to the validation team who worked so quickly to get through this process. We could not have done this without you.
If you have suggestions for next year, please email them to us at
That's a wrap!
New Manipulations by WestCoast Angel
Readers, Writers, Artists
Free Thinkers
Free Thinkers
To view more artwork by WestCoast Angel please visit her tumblr
or Tricky Raven Profile
Disclaimer: All the banners or manipulations shown were created by the listed artist. Artists may not own the pictures, but claim creative use of them. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The artist or author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Persephone's Fall - A New One Shot by Unbidden16
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Mythological
Status: Completed
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
The skies were growing darker, their pinkened hues
dissipating in favor of the deep purple and blue skies of nighttime. Above the
single layer of pale lighting remaining of the day were the twinkling stars
normally concealed by the Sun’s rays. Every night they returned as though a
blanket had been pulled back from them.
Isabella Swan stared wistfully
up at the sky, the seat beneath her swaying with the faint swinging of her
legs. Her fine-boned hands curled around the chains to either side of her, her
right cheek caressing the frigid metal as she leaned to that side.
This wasn’t her first
night of residing in Forks, Washington, but she was still experiencing
nostalgia. She’d left home, her real home, over two weeks ago to spend a couple
months with her estranged father before college. Her mother, Renee, had always
been the protective sort but realized that she’d denied her daughter of her
father for long enough. Bella was old enough to make her own choices in life
and she’d desired to get to know her father for the first time in her life.
Bella suspected that the
eighteen years of time apart had done its damage.
Charles Swan was a
workaholic, she’d come to find. He was rarely home and when he was he was
either eating a meal she’d made them, late into the evening, or sleeping off
his fatigue. They rarely spoke. More often than naught Bella wondered why she’d
even bothered returning to the town of her birth. It was plainly obvious that
the man that was her father was set in his ways and those ways had never and
would never include her in them.
Sighing morosely, Bella
swung her legs more forcefully. Her body swung to the beat, a pendulum that’s
momentum remained constant so long as she continued the forward and backwards
strokes of her legs.
She’d come out to the
park at the edge of town because it was quiet in a way that wasn’t oppressive.
While it was normally silent at her father’s it was a tense atmosphere. She
didn’t feel at home or as if she could touch and do things freely there. When
Charlie was home she stayed, for the most part, shut up in her room because the
man seemed to have no interest in her. She would read quietly while he puttered
around the house for an hour or so before he retired to his own room. After
that she would meditate in complete silence, regretting her decision to leave
her friends and true family in an effort to make peace with one she’d never
truly met but desperately wanted to know.
Back in Phoenix, now
Jacksonville, she could have been going out to watch movies with people she
called friends. She could be dancing the night away in one of the many clubs
either city sported. She could even be hanging off the arm of a man, had she
found one that appealed to her and treated her well. A man that would be
nothing like her father, she was certain.
She would have been
Bella gave a particularly
harsh push to her body to gain height. On a subconscious level she was trying
to escape. She was trying to fly away from this place where she’d condemned
herself to misery for three months before school finally started. Her decisions
thus far weighed down onto her like a ton of bricks. She felt trapped in her
own sorrow and loneliness. A prisoner of her own choices.
“And I used to call
myself smart,” she chided into the chilling air as she swung.
For a time she just
watched the horizon dip and rise with her movements. Her legs, bare from the
knees up, glimmered in the pale light. She’d always been a light-skinned woman.
No matter how much time she spent in the sun she didn’t tan. She burned and
peeled and then she was returned to the way she was before the burning. Her feet
were bare, the sandals she’d worn to the park on the sandy pit far beneath her,
and seemed to touch each star individually as she swung upwards. The electric
blue color she’d painted her toes just that morning made her giggle as she
noticed how greatly they stood out against her skin and the sky beyond.
She absorbed herself in
the feeling of the wind rushing past her, of the heat of the Sun fading away,
and ignored everything else. Her life had taken a downward turn recently but in
this singular moment she was content to just be.
“I would be careful not
to swing so high…you never know if one of those chains might break.”
The husky, deep voice
caused Bella to start, jerking around in a hazardous manner on her downward
slope to view the intruder. In the midst of her turn back, the momentum
carrying in a whipping motion back in the other direction, she saw him.
The man was a giant. Pure
and simple. She’d never seen a man so tall, though his proportions were
perfect. Long legs, each thick and solid. A nearly barrel chest and thickly
corded arms of pure muscle. Dark, russet skin. Hair as black as pitch pulled
back to the nape of his sturdy neck and hanging down to his shoulder blades.
The man’s face was hard and imposing. Sharp cheek bones, square chin, semi-flat
nose, and thin lips. His brow wasn’t heavy, simply dark and shading equally
abyss-like eyes. He wore only a pair of what looked to be dark jeans and a navy
blue t-shirt that hugged every contour of his sculpted chest. He had no shoes
on. No socks. Just bare, big feet.
He was possibly the most
attractive man she’d ever had the pleasure of seeing.
…And also the scariest. She added quietly to herself as she worked
to slow her swing more quickly.
He was sinfully gorgeous,
there was no doubting that, but there was an aura around him that screamed
‘danger’. It wasn’t just the scar that segmented his lower lip at the leftmost
corner and continued on over his chin or the way he stood as if waiting for a
strike to be made onto his person…it was the threat he exuded. A near-menace.
He was the male personification of dominance and alpha. He sucked the warmth
right out of the air around him like a vacuum, leaving only a cold shiver of
trepidation and borderline fear in its wake.
Bella came to a full
stop, her head pivoted on her shoulders to gawk at this man. She didn’t dare
turn away from him. She imagined him a wild animal, a wolf of sorts, ready to
chew into her back the moment she looked away. Her toes slid into and settled
within the confines of her sandals. She ached to feel the sand in them, knew
she might feel the grass soon enough if she had to make a run for it, but
resigned herself to the entrapment of the hard leather thong and sole.
The man looked her up and
down as she stood, shakily, to her feet. His eyes were both appreciative and
assessing. She knew what he’d see. Pale complexion, spindly arms and legs in
great need of some muscle or fat, brown hair braided back to hang down to her
butt cheeks, and a modest outfit consisting of a knee-length baby-blue skirt
and white tank-top. She wasn’t a looker, simply average. She’d always been
slender to the point of being emaciated, a point she’d tried to rectify tens of
hundreds of times in the past. Her eyes were a lackluster brown, but framed by
long lashes. Thin, pink lips and a pert nose completed her mundane look.
The man seemed not to
care all that much that she wasn’t modelesque in stature or looks. The smile on
his face screamed male approval.
The urge to run far, far away bloomed brightly in her chest.
Instead of running,
though, Bella gulped down the unease lodged in her throat and stared the man
down. Her fingers gripped the chains she’d been swinging from in a steel-like
grip. Her knuckles appeared almost blue from strain.
“Can I help you?” She
asked somewhat rudely, unconsciously taking a step backwards as the man’s
obsidian eyes locked onto her own. A derisive smile tipped his lips.
“You could, actually.” He
stalked forward then, his strides long and sure. Bella backpedaled several
steps from the swing, unease shifting to outright fright as he approached.
Catching her obvious retreat he stopped, his legs spread shoulder-width apart.
Ready to bolt – either towards her or away she was unsure.
He looked her up and down
once more.
“My name is Jacob Black.”
He introduced himself, his words caressing across her ears and skin like
decadent dark chocolate. That voice was one that could bring entire
civilizations to their knees. “Tell me yours.”
“No.” She refused,
retreating even further from him. Her car wasn’t that far away. She could run
fast if she had to. Belatedly she wished she’d bothered to bring her
pepperspray with her. Of course she hadn’t, though. What person in their right
mind would think that the need for that particular protection device would be
in Forks, Washington in a child’s playground?
Never assume anything, a teacher’s chiding voice from long-past
rang through her head.
Too late for her to be
remembering such things. She was in the middle of the situation and fretting
over the shoulda, coulda, and woulda’s would do absolutely nothing to help her.
“You don’t trust me.” It
was a statement, not a question. And certainly not one she was going to rebuke.
She was a terrible liar as it was. This man would make her nervous enough that
she’d burst into tears if she even tried to call the sky green let alone that
she trusted him. He smiled faintly, one that wasn’t quite cruel or sinister. It
was almost sincere. “You will.”
“W-what do you mean?” She
was already tensing the muscles in her legs in preparation to run. She wasn’t
waiting for the answer to her question. It was rhetorical anyway.
“Sweet little Bella,” the
man cooed, his obsidian eyes flashing gold, “you are mine.”
She took off running.
Bella panted as she tore
across the damp grass, her sandals kicked up and off with the dew-drops she
displaced in her flight. Her feet grew numb quickly from the bitter cold
ground. A masculine chuckle echoed behind her which only fueled her desire to
flee that much more.
“Why do you run, little
maiden?” The husky voice was much closer to her than she could have ever
imagined. She squealed when she felt a brush of hot air puff over the back of
her neck. Another chuckle. “Little maiden, soon to be my Queen.”
Her eyes trained in on
her vehicle, a dilapidated red truck that had been through its own kind of
off-roading war. Most people thought the truck was a run-down piece of shit.
They expected it to break apart into pieces at any moment. She’d even
considered converting the damned thing into a redneck front-lawn ornament when
the engine had stalled out for the fifth time, but not now. Now she welcomed
its solidarity. She welcomed what was stored so conveniently in its passenger
Bella put on a burst of
speed, ignoring the innate feeling of being prey to one fierce predator. Her
right sole scraped forcefully against a jagged rock, maybe even broken glass,
but she shoved the painful jolt out of her mind. Adrenalin helped to keep the
pain at bay. All she could make herself understand was that she needed some
form of protection against this…man
and that protection was so very close.
“Little maiden, have you
hurt yourself?”
Jerking when she felt
fingers trailing through her hair, Bella lunged into the hard steel of her
driver’s side door. The impact drew the breath from her lungs, but she pushed
on. With shaking, but rapidly-moving hands she scrambled for the silvered
“Can’t have that, now,
can we?”
She was plowed into from
Screaming automatically,
Bella began to fight back against the wall of muscle that fitted itself against
her entire back. Stony legs pinned her own smaller ones against the footboard.
Hands the size of saucers, thick and intimidating, snatched around her wrists
to secure them before her to the murky glass window. She bucked her head
backwards as well as her hips in an attempt to dislodge the male behind her.
All the while her voice strained to reach higher and higher tones in order to
bring someone, anyone, to her rescue.
Lips touched her ear
through her hair. A moist tongue traced its shell. A groan echoed in her ears
even through her screams. She whipped her head around to the face she felt so
close to hers in an attempt to bite into any amount of flesh she could sink her
teeth into. Hands and legs immobilized as they were it was her only defense.
The big man jerked back
with a hearty laugh, his chest shaking against her slender back.
“Little maiden, a kitten
with claws and fangs aplenty.” The tone was amused and chiding. It sickened her
and made her shout obscenities at him. He smirked at her through her
peripheral. He shifted his hands still cuffing her wrists so that he could
shackle them together in a single paw. His one-handed hold was no weaker than
his two-handed one. He used his now free hand to trace calloused knuckles
across her cheek. Again she attempted to bite him, this time intent on tearing
his fingers from his person. “What a fine Queen you will make.”
His caressing hand
snapped then and pinched tightly to her chin. His hand was so large that his
palm enclosed her entire chin and a greater part of her throat. His fingers
bracketed her cheeks and jaw where they spanned upwards to her ears. His middle
finger flicked almost idly against the dangling earrings she wore.
“No!” She screamed
through teeth made to clench. Again he rumbled with mirth and tilted her head
to the side so that her neck was bared helplessly to him. His lips met the
fragile column of her throat. His tongue bathed it while his teeth nibbled. Her
heart raced from the uncontrollable fear pumping through her veins while
goosebumps erupted over her skin from the intimate nuzzling being done to the
most sensitive part of her body. A whimper escaped her clenched jaw despite her
attempt to contain it.
“Shhh,” the male hushed
her. His head lifted minutely so that he could speak directly into her ear. The
hot air blowing from between his lips had her shaking. She could feel his smile
against her skin. “I won’t hurt you, you silly thing. It would go against my
nature, after all, to injure my mate.”
“L-let me go,” she pled
on a choked sob through her clamped jaw. His lips began to suckle on her throat
and she found herself whimpering again, this time louder and more consistently.
“Never, my little maiden.
My Queen.” His teeth clamped over the flesh of her neck and compressed. She
screamed as loudly as she could with his hand collaring her. Her hips bucked
forward harshly into the truck in a renewed attempt to flee. She was still
“You are mine. You always
were and mine you will remain.” His words were barely intelligible now. Every
syllable was accompanied by an inhuman growl. Before her very eyes she could
see the hand holding her wrists so firmly morphing into something not human.
Coarse hair grew over the backs of his palms and digits. The same hair she
witnessed sprouting there tickled her face where his other hand clenched. Sharp
points ticked harmlessly at her lobes. The body so firmly pressed to her
expanded and grew. Her shaking came to a crescendo as a near seizure with her
“Dear God in Heaven,” she
swore and prayed at the same time. Her voice was quiet as if that alone would
keep this beast-man from slaughtering her. From eating her.
Razor-sharp points
settled over the curve of her throat where her neck met her shoulder. She shuddered
and jerked, screaming continuously now. In the span of a single breath the
countless fangs at her throat bit down and sunk into her flesh. The pain was
instantaneous. The scream morphed into a squeal and she sobbed.
As she cried the man drew
from her neck. Bella could feel each suckle he made as if it was her that was
drinking from a juice-box. His lips helped to keep the blood from dribbling
anywhere but into his mouth. Her fingers clenched down into her palms, piercing
skin, in an attempt to create another pain to focus her mind on.
After several minutes,
perhaps hours, she began to feel numb. Lethargy and something else subdued her
far more easily than even chains could have. Her body sagged and slumped, the
only thing keeping her upright was the beast pressed so fully against her and
draining her life away. Her eyelids drooped of their own accord.
For a short time more he
drank from her, his tongue lapping at the wound he’d made. Sometimes his sucks
were hard and painful. At other times it was almost gentle and she could barely
feel them. Eventually he pulled himself away from her neck, his tongue stroking
over the wound she no longer felt. His nose, dreadfully cold and moist, poked
at her cheek as if in question.
As he pulled his body
away from hers Bella felt herself falling. It was a surreal experience. She was
aware of everything, albeit tired and mostly numb. She simply could do nothing
to save her own self. It was like she was simply a reader immersed into the
body of one of the characters she so fanatically read about.
Two large arms snatched
under her and tugged her upwards. The world spun on its axis even with her eyes
firmly shut. Had they been open she suspected that she might have viewed things
as a child does after jumping off of those spinning carousel contraptions in
play-parks. Topsy-turvy. Lopsided. Unreal.
Sleep now, my Queen, a seductively deep voice resounded through
every cavity of her mind. It lulled her and embraced her. Warmth was seeping
into her being and making her even more tired. Funny, but she thought death was
supposed to be cold?
Sleep, the voice repeated.
Unable to resist the
voice or her body’s plaintive requests she allowed herself to slip off into
oblivion where nothing could hurt her. Better yet it was a place where that
beast-man could not reach her.
Dropping off at last she
heard one more chuckle from the beast, this one indulgent.
What was so funny?
Bella groaned as she rolled under silken sheets.
Her entire body was achingly sore. Her head pounded to a louder and separate
beat from her heart giving her one of the worst migraines of her life. Her
hands clenched around the sheets covering her to aid them upwards over her head
so that the awful, bright light outside of her eyelids would go away.
A now familiar and
dreaded chuckle tickled at her ears.
“Not a morning person, I
see.” A large hand petted down over her hip to her thigh through the sheets.
She flinched uncontrollably and curled up on herself in order to hide, pitiful
though the action may have been.
A frightened squeak left
her lips.
“Had I not told you last
night, my Queen, that I would not hurt you?” The hand returned despite her
protective gesture and petted her side unrepentantly. “You’re mine to protect
now and for eternity, little maiden.”
“Get off of me!” She
shouted, scooting to the other end of the bed she was laying on. She peeked her
eyes out from under the blankets to view the beast-man once more. He looked as
he had the night before. Dark and terrifying. Whatever it was he’d turned into
lurked in his dark eyes, but his body was completely human now. She could face
the human easier than she could the creature that had torn at her throat.
Remembering it, recalling
the pain and the later numbness, her hand jerked upwards to settle over the
wound. Instead of bandaging, scabbed, or sutured cut she felt raised, hard
bumps. Her brows furrowed. Was it…?
“It has scarred over.” He
reached over towards her as if he would massage the scar along with her, but
she scrambled further away. Her feet met the floor and she backpedaled into the
wall. The man had stood on his own side of the bed between them, his eyes
glinting. As menacing as he looked the night before she could almost swear she
saw something human in him now. His shoulders weren’t as stiff and his hands
were loose. He looked almost calm before her.
“Why?” She hissed, still
rubbing at the scarred skin. Each swipe of her fingers left the spot tingling
with fire.
“Why what, my Queen?”
“Why’d you do this?” Her
free hand swept around her gesturing at the room. It was not her room back at
her father’s home. This place was far too large and magnificent. Over-sized
King bed. Burgundy sheets and comforters. Dark-stained wood. Antique furniture
that befitted a mansion. No, this was not her home. “Why am I here?”
“Because I was not and
will never let you go.” There was the predator again. The menace was back.
Tension slipped into his spine as if it had been waiting for this. He took
large steps towards her. She cowered into a corner, but had nowhere else to go.
He towered over her, his dark eyes trained down onto her. His scent, for the
first time, assailed her. He smelled like the forest after a storm, all wet
ground and pine. Intertwined with that was musk.
Curiously, her heart
began to beat heavily with something other than fear.
“I am Jacob Ephraim
Black. I am Supreme Alpha.” His shoulders pulled back and widened so that his
already massive chest was thrust forward. Pure power radiated off of him. “You
are my Alpha Bitch. My Queen. You will remain here with me, your mate, until
the Spirits reclaim us.”
“No,” she gasped, shaking
her head. The beast, and he was a beast because she refused to think of him as
anything but, stared determinately down at her. This was something that he
believed in. Something that he would not flounder on.
She snapped.
“No!” She screamed,
throwing herself at him. Whether it was surprise or pain that felled him, Bella
managed to thrust a fist into the man’s groin. Air whooshed from his lungs as
he doubled-over. Again she shot her fist out at him, not noticing the bandages
wrapped around her palms. This time she cuffed his ear. Again and again she hit
him, the word ‘no’ falling from her lips like a delirious prayer. The beast-man
had righted himself sometime during her barrage and simply let her beat on him.
For an unidentifiable
amount of time she ranted and wore her body down, trying to inflict pain on the
man. She wanted him to feel pain. She wanted him to know how helpless she felt.
In the recesses of her mind, a darker part of herself, she wanted him to die
for what he’d put her through and would undoubtedly continue to put her
Bella railed against him
until she collapsed on the floor, her hands hanging uselessly upon her lap. Her
head hung forlornly. The man knelt before her and ticked his hand under her
jaw. She refused to look at him and he sighed.
“You will see, little
maiden. Here with me is your home.” He tried to take her into his arms, but she
flailed, slapping his cheek. He was silent for a stretch and then rose to his
full height. “You’re my Queen. You will accept this one day.”
“I hate you,” she spat,
her eyes bleeding salty tears.
Another sigh.
“I know.”
With that he was gone. He
left her to her solitude, the door unlocked behind him. Still she remained on
the floor in her corner, crying. She would escape, she would run and never look
back, but not now.
Now she would bide her
time and let her despair dissipate to a more manageable level so that she could
better free herself later.
Over the long days which bled into months she
found that she and her captor were not alone in this place. This place that
consisted of huge stone walls, imposing fire-places bigger than any normal man,
and grandeur. The halls were filled with people, all of them male. All of them
seeming carbon-copies of the man that had taken her. They were all large in
stature. They all exuded power. Not a single one of them gave her a moments’
peace when their eyes landed upon her as she wandered the halls searching for
an exit.
Bella had lost count of
how many rooms this place had. She’d crossed too many stoic, dark faces to be
able to remember them all. A few stood out, of course. A man with a heavy brow
was introduced to her while she wandered by her captor. His name was ‘Sam’ and
was, according to her beast-man, his second-in-command. Another, Paul, was the
head of their Enforcers. A male that hunted down and killed other males of their
kind. One male, the smallest of any of them she’d seen since being brought to
this place, was called Seth. He led the kitchen staff. He didn’t unnerve her as
much as the others, but there was still much about him that she did not like or
trust. He was a beast just like the rest of them and she steadfastly stayed
away from all of them whenever she had the chance.
She never found an exit.
There were windows, yes,
but they were all sealed shut. She could find no way to open them and never
found one open. Any doors she found led to another room or hallway. There was
no outside for her no matter how long and hard she searched. She could see
freedom on the other side of the windows, a dark, looming forest, but it was
beyond her reach.
The man, Jacob, hovered
over her wherever she turned. She never spoke his name and never offered hers,
though he’d known it somehow that first night. She asked for nothing, not even
her freedom. He would not grant it to her, anyway. She didn’t speak to him. She
didn’t acknowledge him unless he had her physically cornered and forced her
attention on him.
She hated him.
He made an effort to talk
to her even when she didn’t respond. He tried to touch her and hold her no
matter how many times she lashed out at him. He attempted to welcome her into
the home he insisted was theirs. He even told her of her father and mother and
how they were in her absence. Her mother worried, of course, but they’d been
told she was most likely a runaway. Most children of divorced families ran away
from home and never came back. It sickened her that they didn’t look for her
harder. Had she been so unimportant to them?
What made it worse was
that her captor was rubbing it in her face, subtly, but still there.
“You have family here
now, my little maiden.” His hand had reached out to stroke her hair, but she
threw it off. His lip twitched, but that was his only sign of his dislike of
her always tuning away from him and his presence. “I will always be here for
you. No one else could care for you in the way that I always will.”
Days turned into weeks
and weeks turned into months. Her resolve to leave, to be away from the beast
that had introduced her to a world where Shapeshifters ruled and made her its
Queen, never wavered, but depression bloomed. She ate nothing of what he gave
her, instead sneaking food from others’ plates from the main halls when they
weren’t looking. Even that was sparse. They way Jacob looked at her was intense
and sickening. He was waiting for something and she didn’t know what it was…all
she knew was that it could not be good for her.
Late at night he came to
her, no matter where she hid in their ‘home’. He would lead her bodily back to
the room she’d first woken up in, lay her out on the bed, and then spread
himself out next to her to sleep. He didn’t sleep, though. He just watched her
and petted her, whispering words of love and promises of forever into her ear.
She only found solace in sleep, which was so hard to come by with him beside
her. Teasing and tormenting her in ways no one ever had.
She was marked as his and
he would never allow her to leave.
Those were the only two
things she thought of late at night.
“Please,” Bella begged suddenly one evening at the
main-hall table. Every obsidian eye in this horrid place looked to her as she
stumbled up to Jacob and set her head upon his knee. She still flinched when
his hand settled onto her scalp, but she didn’t push him away. Not this time.
“Please, let me go.”
“Your home is here, my
mate.” His fingers stroked her temples.
“Please,” she rasped,
forcing herself to kiss his knee. The muscles in his legs tensed, but then
released as quickly. She’d taken him by surprise. “I need to do something. I
need other people. Please.”
“We are your people.” He
intoned simply, as if she were slow. Her hands clenched minutely and she didn’t
doubt he’d noticed. He never missed anything about her.
“Not wolves. I need human
contact.” Bella kissed higher on his leg. She didn’t care that she was
demeaning herself in front of so many. Queen or not, she was alone. She was
beyond shame. The need for someone other than these beasts overruled everything
she had once stood for. Days, months, or years. Exact time didn’t matter in
this place…it simply drew away one’s sanity like water would leach into a
sponge. She couldn’t stand much more of the quiet she’d secluded herself into.
Jacob was silent for a
long while and simply continued to pet her hair. She rubbed her cheek into his
thigh, desperate to make him release her. She would do anything at this point.
She feared she’d lost her
humanity in this place.
The beast was a man now.
He was Jacob.
That frightened her.
“You will return,” he
promised them both, his tone as hard as the night she’d met him. He shifted
under her minutely, but kept his hand on her. She glanced up at the underside
of the table as if seeking the answers only God could give her. She’d never
been religious before, but she found herself praying to Deities far and wide
now. Prayed for patience and resilience. Too late, of course.
Isabella Swan was a
nearly completely broken woman.
A single, ripe fruit was
held in front of her face underneath the table. With shaking hands she took the
apple from Jacob’s proffered one. As she did so he wrapped an arm around her
chest and tugged her up onto his lap. His lips connected with her temple
chastely. Her eyes remained trained onto the succulent looking red fruit.
“You will return,” he
vowed again and used a palm to nudge her cupped hands closer to her face.
Momentarily looking to
those surrounding them at the table, she saw through their penetrating stares.
They had been waiting for this. They’d been waiting for her to give in. They’d
been waiting for her to break. They knew that she now knew that in order to live instead of simply existing she
needed to submit. She had to be their Queen and in return she would have a
semblance of freedom.
Sick to her stomach, but
knowing no other way to save herself, Bella bit into the apple.
The juicy piece of fruit
might as well have been a physical tie between her and this place, her new
home, because she was bound here for the rest of her life, however long that
might be. Jacob Ephraim Black, the beast from the park, would ensure that she
always remained his.
“You will stay,” he spoke
into her neck softly with affection.
Bella nodded her head
She would stay because
she was Persephone and Hades would never allow his Queen to leave the world he
ruled in her name.
She was a prisoner of her
choices once more.
…And a prisoner she would
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High Tea - An Outtake from How to Seduce a Werewolf by Leelator
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High Tea
Written by leelator
Pairing: Jacob/Bella
Rating: NC-17
Beta: mybrandofheroin and diamondheart
Pre-Reader: tunde-tre
Banner by Nikitajuice
Summary: This one shot that takes place
some years after my multi-chapter WIP, How to Seduce a Werewolf ends. Rated
NC-17 for very good reasons.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The artist or author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
What the fuck is High Tea
anyway? I wondered and then sighed. There
was no way it was going to be anything other than a complete and total cluster of
an afternoon. High Tea, my ass. All
these frickin’ women do is gossip and drink every time they get together to
play Bunko—and not necessarily in that order. Embry, Jared, Sam, and Paul damn sure better drag their sorry
asses to this soiree as well since their wives are members too. If it ends up
being twelve jabbering drunk women and me for the next two hours, Bella is
going on sex restriction for a week.
Well, technically, she was on sex
restriction already. After she rented Remember Me starring that English
fairy on my movie night pick and then cried down my shirt for twenty
minutes, I lowered the boom on her.
Yeah, right. I had to grin. Every time I threatened that one, I never
made it 24 hours before she got my pants around my ankles and had her way with
me. It sure was fun to find out how she was going to wear me down, though.
Walking into the stuffy lobby, I
didn’t see any of the other guys lurking around searching for a bar or an
escape. That was not good news. A few octogenarians and prissy looking arty
types were strolling about giving me the once over. Oh, yeah, this is going
to be a fun filled afternoon. Sighing, I made my way to the Concierge Desk
and asked about Bella’s group.
“Mr. Black?” The sophisticated woman behind the counter looked
at me and smiled. Seeing my nod, she got up and led me out to a hall of
nondescript doors, indicating one that was equally as uninteresting as the
others. “You’re here in the Rose Tea Room, sir.”
Sounded just ducky.
“Go right on in. I do hope you enjoy your High Tea, Mr.
Black. We’re quite famous for our elegant dos, you know.” Jesus. Trying
not to shudder or roll my eyes, I entered the room.
I expected to walk into a party
full of yakking, tipsy women and was stunned by the utter quiet in the room other
than some soft music playing in the background. Squinting while my eyes
adjusted to the dark space, I made out a table dotted with little silver platters
that were piled
high with tiny cakes, sandwiches, and cookies, along with a tall silver teapot.
Next to the table stood my beautiful wife. What the fuck?
Bella looked luscious wearing a
long-sleeved silky blouse that tied in a prim bow under her chin. She had on
pretty little pumps and a skirt that wrapped around her body. Her hair was
pulled on top of her head into a bun thing, and she had her reading glasses
perched on her nose.
All in all, she looked like the
secret librarian fantasy I’d had when I was thirteen. What the hell was she
up to?
“Would you join me in a cup of
tea, Mr. Black?” Her voice was softly sensual.
“Why yes, I’d love to join you,
Mrs. Black.” I couldn’t keep the leer off my face.
Before I could move, she gave me
instructions. “Better lock the door then. I told the staff we’d like to have
some privacy, but I’d hate to have our … tea … interrupted.”
Damn, so would I. Complying, I
strolled over to her and leaned on the table, trapping her between my hands.
“Tsk, tsk, Mr. Black. You need to
have a seat while I fix your tea.” She indicated a plush chair in front of her,
and I plopped down, eager to find out what was going to happen next.
She turned around and bent over
the table, waggling her little fanny in my face. “Hmmm, let’s see. What flavor
would you like? We have black tea, white tea, Oolong, and Pu-erh.” She stretched
the word out lovingly. Jesus, she had purring tea? “Which one would you like to
taste?” She gave me a soft smile over her shoulder.
That was easy. “Why, I’d like to
taste a little Black.” In my experience, nothing on earth had a better flavor
than Mrs. Black.
Laughing, she pulled out the tea
bag, assembling some china and a little spoon. She picked up the heavy teapot
and poured in the water, managing not to spill or drop a thing. Turning around,
Bella crossed her ankles and leaned against the table. “Now, Mr. Black, a bit
of patience. We have to bob … bob … bob … the tea up and down in the hot,
steamy water ever so slowly,” she said as she allowed the little bag to dip
lazily again and again into the tiny cup.
I could feel heat stir through my
body, and my dick began to twitch as I stared at her. Finally, she stretched
over to hand me my tea; her fingers and eyes lingered on mine before she turned
and picked up her own drink, breathing it in and then taking a long sip.
“Mmmm, it’s so hot, Mr. Black.”
She looked at the brew and then stared into my eyes as she pursed her lips and
blew softly into her cup. I shifted in my seat as my pants became
uncomfortable. Her little pink tongue licked the rim before she took another
sip, and then she sighed and put down the saucer.
“My goodness, drinking this tea is
getting me all warm and … sticky.” I inhaled deeply and caught a whiff of her
arousal. Fuck me. She edged back onto the table behind her until she was
comfortably seated (I noticed a large section of it was empty), and she crossed
her legs and leaned back on her hands.
Slowly, she fanned a hand in front of her face. “I better
take these off before they get steamy,” she said as she set her glasses to the
side. Then she reached for the tight bun behind her head, pulled out the pins
that secured it, and then shook her hair causing it to cascade down her back. I
stared at the mahogany strands and itched to put my fingers in them, but there
was no way I was interrupting her little show.
She cocked her head as if
she were in deep thought. I watched, fascinated, as she pouted and tsked to
herself. “I’m still just way too hot, Mr. Black.” Her voice oozed over me.
Slowly, she pulled the tie at her neck and, closing her eyes, she seemed to be
concentrating intently.
“No, I’m afraid that didn’t do it either,” she said. “I’d
better get rid of this stuffy old shirt.” Sounded like a great idea to me.
Never opening her eyes, she unbuttoned both cuffs and then
slowly, slowly let her hands slide down the buttons of her blouse, caressing
each one as she slipped it open. Moving her fingers under the waistband of her
skirt, she gently skimmed her stomach and then sighed
in frustration. “This silly thing is blocking my way. I guess I’ll just have to
undo it as well.”
My eyes got huge as I watched her hand slide to the clasp
holding her wrapped skirt together. She hummed as she released the catch, and
then pushed the cloth away, revealing the ivory satin of her slip. “Oh, yes,
that’s so much better.” She opened her eyes and stared at me under her lashes.
“Let me just peel off this shirt, and I’ll feel cool as a … mmmm … cucumber.”
My temperature was skyrocketing as I watched her slide the
thing off her shoulders and arms. Underneath the blouse she wore a delicate camisole.
My fingers longed to feel its silk as well as the velvety skin that it
hid. I glanced at the door silently praying the lock held and no crowd of
industrious busboys came rushing in to clear the table anytime soon. Meanwhile,
Bella slid off her little pumps and leisurely stretched out her toes. One tiny
foot just happened to stroke my bulging erection.
“Oh, Mr. Black, I am sooo sorry. What must you think
of me?” she asked and bit her lip in apparent embarrassment. I tried not to
groan as I watched her.
When she moved her foot, her leg slid through the high slit
in her slip. “Oh, my, Mr. Black. And I just realized—I forgot to put on my
panties before I … came.” She eased her legs apart
and, sitting in my chair, I had a bird’s eye view of the deep pink
petals between her thighs. Fuck me running and steal my shoes! Her sweet
little pussy was wet and swollen, which made my dick feel like it was going to
explode at any second. Suddenly, sitting was no longer an option for me.
When she saw me stand, Bella pulled her legs underneath her
and wriggled around on the table. I had no idea what the hell she was doing,
but I held my breath, hoping that none of the china or trays came flying off in
the process. She turned one hundred and eighty degrees and lay face up,
positioning her feet away from me, while her hair brushed against my legs as I
stood next to her head. Looking at me, she stretched her back like a naughty
little kitten and smiled.
I growled as I leaned over her and caught the satin bow
between her breasts with my teeth, gently tugging it until it came undone. My
hands cupped the sweet mounds before me, and I flicked the tiny buttons of her
camisole open to reveal her bubble gum pink nipples. God, I never would get
enough of her if I lived a thousand years.
I drank in the ivory and rose feast before me and licked my
lips. Capturing one nipple with my mouth, I lightly tongued it. Fuck, she
always tasted like nectarines. My hands grazed down her body, and I pulled off
her slip then my fingers slid between her legs and dipped into her wet folds. I
wanted a taste. My eyes closed as I hummed in satisfaction while I licked my
fingers, cleaning them the way a cat would groom himself—making sure I didn’t
miss a delicious drop. I needed more, and I spread her thighs open so I could
enjoy my meal. But Bella had other ideas.
I felt the delicate sensation of her fingers on my thighs,
and then she skimmed them up my groin and cupped my cock; I couldn’t contain
the rumble in my chest. Her hands moved to my belt buckle, quickly dealing with it, and
then she pulled down my zipper, sliding my pants and boxers out of her way. She
claimed her prize and grasped my erection in her little fingers.
“Lean back, Mr. Black. I need to
investigate this area more closely,” she said, her voice husky. As I did as I
was told, I realized Bella had draped her head off the table so her mouth was
perfectly positioned over my dick, and she began to gently lick the tip.
There was no way I could stop
I pushed my cock between those
pouting lips and reveled in the feel of the soft, tight cave that surrounded
me. Tilting back, I watched my length slowly feed in and out of her mouth. With
her head in this position, it went deeper than ever. God damn! The sight
and sensation made my balls tighten and tingle.
The tip of her tongue
traced the rim, and then quickly flicked the underside ridge, nearly making me
lose my mind. Sliding her hands down, she cupped my balls and then pulled me
forward so she could gently draw them into her mouth.
“You don’t need to do that, baby,”
I whispered. It always amazed me that she found every part of my body
desirable. She continued to stroke me and then opened her eyes.
“Mmmm, oh, yes I do,” she said as
she stared up at me. “You don’t know how good you taste to me, Mr. Black.
You’re all musky down here, honey, and yet you still have that clean, crisp
scent I love. It drives me crazy, Jacob.”
She nuzzled down the sensitive
seam between my nuts, licking and delicately sucking as she went. I threw my
head back and tried not to blast my load all over her as she gently drew one
ball and then the other into her mouth, sucking on them like they were blow
pops, and then rolling them under her tongue so I could feel the silky texture
there. When she moaned, sending vibrations through her mouth and throat, the
sensation was like an electrical current shooting through my groin.
“Fuck, Bella! Honey, I’m
gonna come!” I warned her, trying not to shout, but I really didn’t care if
everybody in the stuffy hotel heard me.
“I love you, Jake.” Her voice was
a whisper, and then she latched on to me, pulling my cock deeper and deeper
into her throat. Leaning over the table, I buried my face in her stomach,
jerking and twitching as I finally blew into her sweet mouth.
When I became coherent, I turned
my head, pillowing it on her little belly. “Shit, Bells. God, are you
trying to kill me here?” I finally got out. “Where the hell did you hear about that?”
She giggled and scooted her
way down, narrowly missing a platter of little pies. When our faces were
opposite each other’s, she looked at me and grinned. “Well, I was reading a
piece in The Ladies Home Journal last week entitled ‘Tantalizing
Teas and Titillating Table Toppers—How to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck.’
They gave very specific recommendations.”
“Fuck me, what a great article. We ought to get a
subscription to The Ladies Home Journal immediately, honey. I’ll write
out a check tonight,” I said. “When my mom used to subscribe, I don’t think
they had anything like that or Dad would still be getting it.” I gave her a
sleepy and contented smile. “Damn, they sure are getting progressive at The
Ladies Home Journal.”
“Don’t you get too comfortable, Mr. Black.” Her tone was
sweetly scolding. “No resting on the job when there’s more work for you to do.
I’m not through with you by a long shot.”
I breathed in her rich scent, and my cock twitched again,
reminding me that I still had needs to take care of—her needs. She rubbed my
nose Eskimo style. “I’m afraid I’ve been a very
naughty girl. You see, I’m on sex restriction week right now, and I’m afraid I
haven’t complied a hundred percent within the true spirit of the rules.” She
looked at me pitifully.
I smiled. “My, my, I think
somebody needs to be punished for that infraction, don’t you?”
She glanced at me under her lashes
and nodded, her teeth biting into that lip again. Nuzzling her neck, I pulled
her naked body off the table and set her on her feet. Her arms slid up my shirt,
and she pulled my head down and licked my lips and then pressed her tongue
against mine. Our mouths stroked and sucked, our tongues exploring each
different surface, and I felt my pulse begin to pound in my ears, and the blood
start to pool in my groin. I loved the sensation of her nude body against my
clothed one, and my erection grew against the velvety skin of her stomach.
“I’m afraid I deserve a spanking,
Mr. Black.” She glanced down at my hardening dick, her little pink tongue
peeking out between her lips.
Turning around, she bent over the
table and laid her luscious tits down on the cool surface. I could see her
nipples peak there and wondered if it was because she was cold or because she
was hot. She wiggled that beautiful, naked ass she’d propped up and stared at
me over her shoulder.
“I’m ready for my punishment now,
Mr. Black.” She sighed and smiled as I approached.
Taking my position behind her, I
cupped her full bottom, slapping one side softly and then stroking the fine
grain of her skin. For some reason, we usually never got much further anytime I
was supposed to spank her. She widened her legs and raised herself up, and I
groaned as her smell flooded over me. Leaning back, I carefully spread the
cheeks of her ass and looked at her deep pink sex, swollen and puffy, juices
Shit, just one little taste.
Kneeling down, I ran my nose over
the hot, pouting skin. My tongue dipped into her cleft, it lingered at her
clit, and then flattened as I dragged it up to her core where I washed it in
and around her pussy. Her breathing became jagged, and I heard her heart rate
skyrocket. Crying out, she tilted her center towards me as I straightened up,
licking my lips, still tasting her. She looked at me over her shoulder, her
eyes filled with warm, loving heat.
No wonder I kept a constant hard on almost every minute I
was around this woman. Settling behind her, I let my cock rub the folds between
her legs. The head became lubricated in the thick juice there and slowly, I
nosed it into her warm slit. I rocked back and forth, dipping into her gently
as she groaned and tried to push against me.
“Jake.” Her voice was faint as she
lowered her head.
“Yes, baby?” I whispered in her ear as I thrust into her ever so
gradually. “You’ve been a bad little girl, and I don’t know that I should give
you all of this cock.” She moaned and clutched my arms. I reached around and
cupped those beautiful tits and squeezed them as I deepened my thrusts just an
inch. “Do you want me to fuck you with it, Bella? Do you want me to bury it
deep into that tight little pussy of yours and ram it into you over and over?”
“Yes, honey. Please!” I knew she was at the breaking
point, but I wanted to draw it out for her as long as I could. Pinching and
playing with her nipples, I slowed my hips and ran my teeth and tongue along
her neck, lapping and nipping where it joined her shoulder.
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” I
breathed in her rich scent. “I wouldn’t want to rush y—”
“God damn it, Jacob!” That was my cue. She’d obviously been thinking about
her little ploy for a while, and the buildup was finally too much—for both of
us. She screamed as I slowly plunged between her
slick walls, feeling them squeeze around me. As I steadily drove into her,
her passage stretched and gave until, finally, I bottomed out. We both let out
a long, low groan together. Holding her by the hips, I slid in and out,
thrusting deep and then reluctantly pulling out,
gradually increasing my speed as I listened to her cries. Every time I
withdrew, her muscles clamped down on me, successfully keeping me in that hot,
liquid channel.
I never wanted it to end, but I
couldn’t stop my rising excitement and my relentless need to fuck her harder
and deeper, to create more and more friction between us. Moments later, I was
hammering into her, pulling her onto my bursting erection again and again.
She found some leverage by
grabbing the edge of the table, she thrust back against me as the teacups and
platters rattled and fell, and she drove me deeper into her core. I felt like
my world was only Bella as I heard the wet slap of our bodies, our heavy
breathing, and the groans
we couldn’t control.
Suddenly, she screamed my name,
and her pussy spasmed on my cock, clutching it and milking it, forcing me to
finally shoot my seed deep into her body. Jesus Fucking Christ, I felt like my
heart was exploding. As we collapsed onto the mess we’d made of the
table, we gasped for air and waited for our pulse to approach some sort of
normal rhythm. I nestled into her sweaty little neck and held her close to me while
she pulled my arms around her as tightly as she could.
Brushing aside her hair, I
kissed her throat as she curled her hands into mine, and we whispered silly,
secret words to each other. I lazily glanced around at the chaos surrounding
us—porcelain cups, little cakes, sandwiches, and tarts had landed
everywhere—and I rubbed my nose against her ear and started chuckling.
“What?” She smiled up at
“Damn, honey.” I looked at her and
managed an exhausted grin. “I never would’ve
believed it, but I gotta say, I absolutely love High Tea!”
Author’s Notes: I really was reading an article in The
Ladies Home Journal last week about this. I least I think it was The
Ladies Home Journal. Hmmm … .
My great thanks to mybrandofheroin and diamondheart for
beta’ing this. And special thanks to tunde-tre for not only pre-reading and
offering many helpful suggestions, but for inspiring me to write this in the
first place. Nikitajuice was kind enough to
create the beautiful banner for my story.
If you’d like to read about Jake and Bella’s early
adventures, check out How to Seduce a Werewolf on Twilighted:
Or fanfic:
If you can make it past the first
three chapters, I promise it gets better.