Oh, Quil … Zombie Apocalypse 101 is not your mother’s fan fiction—if your mother had a fan fiction. Hell, nobody has a fan fic like this. Zombie Apocalypse 101 was my introduction to crack fic. UrbanDictionary.com defines crackfic (sic) as “A type of fanfcition (or original fiction) that is intentionally unbelievable and insane; often humorous. Usually short, one-shot stoires.” (Let’s pretend for a moment that UrbanDictionary.com is a respectable source for defining such things and that the definition isn’t totally fucking riddled with spelling errors, m’kay?)
If you only ever read one crack fic in your lifetime, make it this one. Zombie Apocalypse 101 was nominated for both “Best Comedy” and “Best Quote” and it’s easy to see why. Quil Ateara is an enigma, or perhaps it’s just his brain that is one. Or … perhaps he was dropped on his head as a baby. Any of those are possible. Quil is convinced the zombie apocalypse is nigh and he’s set his sights on preparing for it in the only way he knows how: half-assed and paranoid, but with a plan of action to keep getting plenty of tail even after the zombie hordes descend on him and his blood circle. Don’t try to understand. Only Quil knows what in sweet holy fuck is a blood circle, but it’s obviously an important component in his plan to keep those leg-draggers at bay.
Poor, deluded Quil even talks his easygoing pal Embry into helping him ‘prepare’ and by ‘prepare’, I mean wreak havoc on everyone he knows until they can’t stand the sight of him anymore.
Zombie Apocalypse 101 is a work in progress that is updated on a schedule understood only by its creator, but don’t hold that against her or we might never see another update in this lifetime. You can find it on Tricky Raven
Enjoy your crack and remember to review so the author knows you're reading and looking forward to the next update!
-Review by ChrissiHR

Zombie Apocalypse 101
Pairing: Quil, Killer, Two-Dollar Hookers and his Johnson
Rating: M for Quil's sick mind.
Summary: The Zombiepocalypse is coming and Quil is a doomsday prepping wolf on a mission. Obsessed with his mom's underwear drawer, training a Bichon bitch and taking notes from Zombieland, he's certain to best those leg draggers with eyes.
Irreverent, off the wall, complete and total crack. If you're offended by talk of smackin' the salami, feeding dogs Hormel Chili or swearing in general, this is not for you.
Beta/Pre-Readers: No Beta - Quil doesn't believe in that shit. MP pre-reads between laughs but threw her hands in the air at this one.