Saturday, January 11, 2014

Best Quote


1st: "The empty seat in biology didn't even bother me; I was more focused on the discussion about mitosis and meiosis and cursing Quil's possible super sperm. Damn it, now I couldn't stop picturing tiny sperm in little red capes racing through my fallopian tubes, shouting, “Eyes on the prize, men! Eyes on the prize!' - 40 Weeks by Kerigocrazy
TIE - 2nd: "Jesus, did screwing the tick suck out your brains too?" - Miror Quaenam Sis Tam Bella by MeraNaamJoker;

TIE - 2nd“I tried to catch you Miss Bella, but Sitting on his ass Bull wouldn’t get out of the way,” Chris said quietly, helping me up. - Venom by BetterinTexas

3rd: "Who am I to deny a midnight train ride into Cougartown? I’m one part man, one part wolf and three parts sex-god. Everywhere I go, girly parts do the happy dance." - Zombie Apocalypse 101 by Dragonfly76
Vampires1st Place:"That beautiful, precious dream is a heartbreaking reminder of the life I will never have with the woman who has my heart and forever will." - If Only by Vampgirl79

2nd Place: "Peter applied more pressure to the man and he bent over at the waist. "God please no anal probes. Please no..." - Whirlwind by BetterinTexas

3rd Place: “Ya know, Rose,” Emmett said, guffawing and wrapping one of his bear-like arms around her shoulders, “if I had a million dollars, I’d buy you a green dress.” He noisily kissed her temple while she playfully swatted at him. Bella set her taco down carefully on her plate and shook an admonishing finger at Emmett. “But, Em, not a real green dress. That’s cruel.” - Satellite Heart Lament by GeezerWench