All Time Favorite Author The person you have to read. All Time Favorite Story The stories you can't live without. Best BreakThrough Author You can't wait to see what is in their future. Best Team Switzerland
Because there are two sides to every story.
Favorite Short StoryNo more than ten chapters and no less than two.Best Short Series (Drabbles, 25 Chapters or Less)
Short and to the point.
Best ShortOne Shots - A beginning, middle and an end in a small package.Best Drama
An emotional impact so intense it renders you breathless and turning the page for more.
Best Comedy Stories that should come with a warning label for snorts and giggles. Best RomanceLove in its most beautiful and rare form.Best SuspenseMakes your fingers grip the edges of your seat.Best Love SceneAs swoon worthy as Scarlett and Rhett. Romantic, simple and sweet. No swinging from the rafters needed.When nominating please include character names along with Story and AuthorBest Historical Drama
Transporting your mind to another era.
Best All Human StoryOur favorite characters dropped in to everyday life.Best Kiss
Leg-popping, sends your heart racing, feel it in your knees and curl your toes fun.
Best Non Canon Romance
Edward and Bella ain't got nothin' on these couples.
Best Friendship
The way they laugh and cry together makes you wish you were their friend.
When Nominating, please state which friendship along with the Story and Author.
Best Villian
He's a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
Best Non-Traditional
Slash? Poly? Threesome or more? Knock your socks off sexy fun.
Best Erotica
Smokin' hot, steamy and sensual.
Best Action Sequence
Heroes and villains battle it out.